There are traditional gifts and accessories that are essential for the perfect Quinceanera celebration. The items listed below are most often present on this special day. Although don’t be surprised if you see variations.  

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Several factors influence the items use and appearance – the personality of the Quinceanera herself as it is her birthday after all. Family and friends are significant participants in this special day. Their important role also makes an impact as well as the variation of Hispanic cultural heritage seen throughout Abilene and Texas.  

Dress: traditionally white, but seen in many colors and variations today and is often an illustration of the birthday girl’s personality; it also can set the tone for the theme of the quinceanera.

Quinceanera Doll: Also known as the last doll, this Quinceanera accessory symbolizes the end of childhood and is given by her father; Although, many select to keep the doll as a keepsake now, traditionally the doll is passed on to a younger female family member symbolizing the Quinceanera’s shift in maturity and passing on her childish ways to the younger generation so she can step into her role as an adult.  

Shoes: traditionally, this is the first time for a girl to wear high heels and placed on her feet by her father during the church service. She wears flats to enter the church, and then her father replaces. Today, many young ladies also select to have a fancy pair of tennis shoes created for this special moment and comfort.

Tiara: represents the Quinceanera is a princess before God and a daughter to be honored and respected. A head piece is generally worn and replaced during the blessing during festivities.

Headpiece: worn until it is replaced by the tiara.

Scepter: symbolizes the new authority and responsibility she has in her new adult role in the family and society.  

Rosario: rosary beads or rosario is given to compliment the Bible to help Mis Quince Anos with her prayer life.

Ring: symbolizes the unending circle of life, womanhood and her future contributions, and is worn on the right ring finger serving as marker to hopefully be replaced by an engagement or wedding band.

Earrings: reminds the young woman to keep her ears turned to the word of God.

Bracelet: symbolizes the infinite circle of love from parents or padrinos.

Pillow: there are often several used, serving for carrying the tiara or new shoes or for kneeling on during the service portion of the celebration.

Prayer Book or Bible: the prayer book or Bible is given to the Quinceanera to help keep the Word of God as a priority in her life.

A Cross: is a reminder of faith.

Bouquet: used in a large mass to present as a gift of thankfulness at the Altar of the Virgin Mary.